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Top Sleep Tips for the Festive Period

Festivities, Christmas Plans & your baby’s Sleep!

With Christmas lights, festivals, Christmas Markets – there is so much to look forward to! Christmas is a busy time for everyone, with lots of festivities planned, visiting families and being out of routine.  

This is an exciting time of year! If we are truly honest though, some of us may be feeling anxious in how the holiday period will affect our little one’s sleep, or routines that you’ve worked hard to keep consistent.

So how do we help manage their sleep, so it doesn’t go all out the window?

Photo of lit up Ferris wheel and Christmas lights on trees.
Christmas Market

Here are my best tips on managing sleep around the Christmas period to make sure everyone is still getting that sleep that they need. And with being flexible in it too!


1.       Planning Ahead - if you have plans to be out and about for festive events try to get a rough plan before you go. What will you need? PJ's packed, warm clothes, blankets and so on.

2.       Feeds & Food - Bottle warmers are great for on the go if bottle feeding. And for real food, pack a cold pasta dinner or something with you if there aren't already food options where you are headed. At least that's one less worry and a full tummy before bedtime.

3.       And plan in that day sleep - and remember - ALL NAPS COUNT! Buggy, Car, Sling - whatever works with your timings. Can you work in travel/car trips with their sleep times to make sure they get some good sleep in too?

4.       If you're out late – you have two options. One is to try squeeze that extra nap in and aim for a later bedtime. Or two, if that doesn't fit then aim to have them sleeping on the go nearer their usual bedtime and transfer to bed when you get home.

5.       Are you staying away from Home? Taking slept in bedding, home comforts and favourite bedtime stories can help lots with their familiarity.

6.       Embrace the busy days!! And follow them with quieter ones. When this are so busy for too long sometimes, they are a bit over pushed, so if you have a big event planned do try and have a quieter day the next to let them catch up.

7.       Don't stress if it doesn't go quite to plan, they will sleep eventually, and you can top up the sleep the next day!

Most importantly though - Enjoy every bit of it. Yes – sleep is important, but you’ve worked hard to make these memories over the Christmas period so make sure that takes the priority. If things are a bit disrupted, have a plan in place to get things on track on the days that you can.

It’s a special time of year, and our mindset in sleep and expectations can make a difference in how we embrace it all. Do what works for you and your family most importantly.

Or are you already experiencing any other Sleep Challenges and worry about the impact of exhaustion over the festive period? Has sleep been off for a while, and you are unsure of what changes to make?

I also ask this from experience of Christmas pressures and bedtime battles with my then toddler some years ago. It got to the point where I just broke down – and I don’t want anyone to feel that at this time of year. It can get on top of us an exhaustion makes it worse. So if you’re already struggling please do reach out to someone for support in it!

Feel free to drop me an email discuss your own sleep transformation ahead of Christmas! What better gift, than the gift of sleep right?

You can also down the Exhausted to Thriving Parent Guide – Steps to Sleep Success here –


Jade Sleep Nanny

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